Picture of Felix Holub

Felix Holub

Postdoc, WZB Berlin Social Science Center
PhD in Economics, University of Mannheim

Curriculum Vitae


Killing Prescriptions Softly: Low Emission Zones and Child Health from Birth to School
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2024
with Hannah Klauber, Nicolas Koch, Nico Pestel, Nolan Ritter, and Alexander Rohlf
IZA Discussion Paper
Media: Ärztezeitung, Augsburger Allgemeine, FluxFM, Focus, OncoHemato, NetDoktor, Perspective Daily, Spiegel, Tagesspiegel Background, taz, WDR, ZDFheute

Pro-environmental voting when climate change is made salient: Evidence from high-resolution flooding data
PLOS Climate, 2023
with Matthias Schündeln
Media: Carbon Brief

Social Benefits and Private Costs of Driving Restriction Policies: The Impact of Madrid Central on Congestion, Pollution, and Consumer Spending
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2023
with Jose Enrique Galdon-Sanchez, Ricard Gil, and Guillermo Uriz-Uharte
Working Paper
Media: El Confidencial, Nada es Gratis Blog

The Effect of Clean Air on Pharmaceutical Expenditures
Economics Letters, 2020
with Alexander Rohlf, Nicolas Koch, and Nolan Ritter
Media: Ärzteblatt, Ärztezeitung, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Bayern 2 Radio, Medical Tribune

Working Papers

Are Male Bosses Bad for Women’s Careers? Evidence from a Multinational Corporation
Working Paper
with Moritz Drechsel-Grau

Urban Air Pollution and Sick Leaves: Evidence from Social Security Data
Working Paper
with Laura Hospido and Ulrich Wagner

Air Quality, Knowledge Worker Performance, and Adaptation: Evidence from GitHub
CRC TR 224 Discussion Paper 402
with Beate Thies
Media: The Visible Hand Podcast

Selected Work in Progress

Gender Gaps in the ERC Evaluation Process
with Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln

Daylight, Circadian Rhythms, and Productivity
with Ingo Isphording and Beate Thies


Dr. Felix Holub
WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Reichpietschufer 50
10785 Berlin, Germany

Email: felix.holub[at]wzb[dot]eu

© Felix Holub. Last modified: September 24, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.